Monday, November 21, 2011

People making fun of 6 year old with facial deformedies?

Juliana Wetmore was pretty much born without a face,aka, no ears, hardly a mouth or nose or cheekbones, she is now 6. I saw her story on tlc and was looking to see if she had a website so that I could tell her parents what an inspiration she is. I was appalled that people are making fun of her and saying she should have been aborted people are so mean.People making fun of 6 year old with facial deformedies?
Omg. I just googled her and I feel soo bad for her. People are such bastards when it comes to apperances. I think us (the people who care) should all band together and support her somehow. I think its terrible what people are doing to her. I feel terrible now. I'm going to see if there's anyway I can help.People making fun of 6 year old with facial deformedies?
wow, i haven't seen that but probably would be in tears. im sorry i don't know a web page, but wanted to comment. it really hurts my heart when people can pick on other people about the way the look, physical or mental issues, especially when the one receiving is a child who's heart is probably already broken. i do wish her well. sorry i was no help.
Some people like to laugh at others who are less fortunate. It's the way the world is. She does sound like an inspirational chickie, just like the girl in India born with craniofacial duplication, aka 2 faces, who was healthy.
i agree that is so mean she is so lucky to be alive i dint know why people cant look past things like that and know that everyone has feelings and everyone has to go threw life so make it as pleasant as possible
If I knew ahead of time that my child would live a life of torment and ostrasizism. I love my child enough to abort. Making a child go through a life of hell and rejection selfish and inhumane
As if the child doesn't have enough challanges without their rude remarks...

Some people are just so unhappy with life that they find joy in other people's misery. I agree, it's very upsetting.
I agree greatly. Is amazing. I thought bullying and people saying mean things only happened with kids at school. Of course not, adults are even worse. More power to ya
Stupid a** people..I'm sorry that just pissed me off.yes people can be so mean for stupid reasons. I despise stupid people who think things like that are funny.Makes me wanna slap the s**t out of them.
Im sorry but if I saw anyone making fun of a deformed child, I would freak.

That is completely appalling. I could cry =(
Wow, that is awful, down right terrible. It boggles my mind why people would even go out of their way to go find a site for the little girl to post mean, and hurtful things. They must have nothing better to do. I as an adult would NEVER do anything like that, or condone my daughter doing any such things.

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