Monday, November 21, 2011

What kind of facial hair do girls like?

Exclusively for girls.What kind of facial hair do girls like?
To get your answer....ask yourself this: What kind of facial hair do you want to see on a woman? yeah...None, right? There you go, buddy, you answered your own question. Now go shave.What kind of facial hair do girls like?
i like guys with a bit of a 5o'clock shadow or a little bit of a beard.

it looks really hot on some guys so if you can pull it off then go for it... ask your girl friends what they think though. some guys look better without, but you can always shave it off.

i personally find it very masculine and that's a turn-on for me.

it also depends on what kind of girl you are trying to attract. i higher maintenance girl will tend to go for the clean cut guy with designer clothes and spiked and/or highlighted hair. a low maintenance girl cares less about looks.

but remember, be careful kissing with facial hair, it's like rubbing our soft girl skin against sandpaper if you don't do it right!!!!
I don't like any facial hair. But my ex had a little bit of hair lining his jaw and chin... not a beard, but it just outlined his jaw and it was sexxxxxy..... but then again, he was friggin gorgeous and he could probably pull of ANYTHING. Then the damn boy went and signed up for the army. :(
It's different for every girl.

I like the goatee thing, sometimes with chinstraps, and also a small patch of hair from the middle of the goatee to the bottom of the lip. Not with the mustache though, that's a bit too much.
shannon noll style! lol!

if you don't know who he is.............鈥?/a>
Oh well!

girls don't care fro facial hair!

I'll keep my mustuche, of 35 years,

I'm not shopping

so it dosen't matter to me!
not much, but it depends.

if my boyfriend would tohave a bit of a mustache ide be turned on. xD but we're only 13. -_-''
I don't really like facial hair. It makes people look older. BUT if you have to have one a small goatee would be okay.
Eyebrows and eyelashes.

Nothing else.

I personally dont like any.

I like guys to be shaved.
I personally do not like any.
me and my sisters like it when guys have no facial hair at all.
nunthing but eyebrowns and eyelashs other then that nothing eww

I like a clean shaven guy.
EWW! None.
None. Sideburns are ok.. on certain guys.
I don't like any.
none perhaps? oops i'm a guy
I prefer none... but sideburns look ok on some guys

What works best facial wax or cream?

What would work better and longer...using facial wax or using a hair removal cream? What are the pros and cons of both?

What works best facial wax or cream?
Wax pulls the hair out by the root when done properly.

Hair Removal Creams dissolve the hair just below the epidermis meaning there is still hair in the follicle.

The cons with both are the same, the possibility of an allergic reaction or burn (heat in the case of wax, chemical in the case of cream)What works best facial wax or cream?
Wax is better.

It will pull it straight out from the root and each time you do it it will make the hairs lighter and easier to remove.

The cream will just itch in the process and won't do anything productive to your facial hair like the wax does.
Definitely WAX!!! It takes weeks to a month for the hair to grow back....

Here's a fashion blog with a recipe for

homemade wax if you want :) It's

really easy to make!鈥?/a>

Hope I helped!!!

Wax! Without a doubt.
Both didn't work for me so I just tweeze.
id say hair remover cream.

why ?

it wont make ur skin have bumps %26amp; sometimes it dont heal at all.

Why are dark facial marks, commonly called port wine stains, not just called wine stains?

I know port is a dark wine. That's a given. But is there another reason?Why are dark facial marks, commonly called port wine stains, not just called wine stains?
it has to do with the color only ,

Do you think Yahoo 360 profile pic should have facial hair as a option?

Well i think they should because im styling my beard at the mo. and yahoo dont cater to soul patches etc. i know its just the internet but stillDo you think Yahoo 360 profile pic should have facial hair as a option?
I think it already does.

What is the best affordable product you have used to help firm, tighten, and make your facial skin look great?

Im not talking acne.What is the best affordable product you have used to help firm, tighten, and make your facial skin look great?
I highly recommend Rejuvenating Green Tea Firming Cream when I put it on i could really feel my skin tightning, and it looks beter and beter after every single use!! so Im really excited to see how my face will look soon!! lol... well its great.. its natural.. and is jampacked with extracts and vitamins, and is affordable.. definatly a great buy!鈥?/a>

Does drinking alot of water get rid of dry facial skin?

Please help!

Thanks.Does drinking alot of water get rid of dry facial skin?
Water does help but not entirely, try lemins fatty cream this will help really moisten your dry skin. also try exfolliating. this will help remove any dead left over skin from clogging your pores it also helps lighten and give your skin a healthy glow as dry skin is usually dull.Does drinking alot of water get rid of dry facial skin?
It helps a little bit. I have really dry skin on my face. I use Ambi facial moisturizer or cocoa butter. Both work great for me because my skin is also sensitive.
water hydrates your skin....i hate water...but since i have start to drink more water it has improved my skin which is extremely dry...
yesss it definently does.
water hydrates your doesnt make it come off.
6 to 8 glasses of water is needed.

Good luck :)
It helps, but you need to scrub/moisturize as well.
not entirely but it does help... that and a really good moisturizer...
it will help.. drink 8 glasses a day

What is the policy at your work place about facial piercings.?

And where do you work/industry/What is the policy at your work place about facial piercings.?
no place i have ever worked has been okay with facial piercings including:



blockbuster video

national corporation office work

hospital workWhat is the policy at your work place about facial piercings.?
I have a snakebite, lower left lip, and my boss doesnt really care unless its a huge ring or spike or just a massive piece of metal hanging out of someones face. Another girl i work with has her labret and nose pierced and we both just have small jewelled studs in, quite cute. Another man that works there has his eyebrow done and the boss tolerates it as long as its tasteful, again, no huge metal. I work in the hospitality industry, in an upmarket hotel and bar that caters for more of an executive clientele, so its all definately based on looks. But thankfully my boss is very liberal about these things, as long as we look neat and tidy and make some attempt to appear more attractive about our appearance, she doesnt really care, but she does have a no tattoo policy, if its a small one in a discrete place, she doesnt mind, i have 2 on my ankles she doesnt care about, but one man has a dark wrist tattoo, almost a sleeve, that has to stay covered.
I work in a professional setting. I have a brow ring that I was allowed to keep because it's very small, but I have to cover up my tattoo (it's on my shoulder) so in the summer, I'm not allowed to wear tank tops or sleeveless.
All facial piercings must be taking out, all tattoos must be covered. I work as a AUM (assistant unit manager) for KFC. The same rules apply to all the other employees; cooks, cashier, or prep person.
I work at a bank and the only piercings they allow are your ears. That's it. Although I have my tongue pierced and they haven't said anything, yet.
i work in a small office, and there is no set policy. no one cares about my eyebrow or chock full ears, but anything highly noticable on the face would be a no no--studs ok, rings not.

always go for the small companies, they are wayyy more flexible!
I work in a library, and we have absolutely no policy on facial piercings, visible tattoos, etc. Outside of clothing restrictions (no jeans), they are very flexible. I don't have any facial piercings, just my tongue, but am planning to get my nose done soon. I have several tattoos that are sometimes visible, and nothing has ever been said about them.
work in a council, its not really said, i dont really make customer contact anyways,

but anyways i only got ears and tongue pierced
I worked at a retail store that did not want any facial piercings, then I worked for a privately owned company that did not want them either, but I pierced my nose and said I couldnt take it out. She forgot about it and I got by with it. Now I am a full time student and I just got my tragus and industrial piercings.
i used to wrk retail and coodnt have any but i still got my nose and lip done

and now i wrk for a non profit and we cant have any but i had them in at the time of my interview and got hired sooooooooo either way i had them
I work for a very large, very prominent law firm- hence why I don't say the name. You can have piercings and tattoos, they just prefer you hid them. A co-worker has his nose pierced and he had his lip pierced, he just put very small studs in. You can't go overboard though. And I am sure the crazy hair is out!
Educational/university, and I work in programming %26amp; system administration. They tend not to care.

Oooh, story time...

A little after I first got my ears pierced (1985) I was working at a place called SCO. They predated linux in the unix-like operating systems for PC hardware. I had a number of geeky cool earrings I wore, including a low power fuse made into an earring. We had a tape drive that stopped working on a critical system, and in taking it apart I found it had blown a fuse (the drive wasn't on a UPS... stupid, but not my fault).

As it turns out, it was the *precise* rating of my earring-fuse. I popped out my earring %26amp; put it into the drive... and it worked. We were short on time so I just figured I'd grab it later. ';Later'; never happened, and I eventually left SCO, but I always wonder if when that drive was decommissioned.

I did before that have some comments about nothing tasteless or too gaudy. Afterwards, my manager said he was fine with whatever, and if I had any spare memory earrings to feel free to work on his computer %26amp; accidentally drop one in.
i have had facial piercings through 5 jobs now. three of them have been in call centers, where no one cares. Truly, they just do not care. I am not sure if it would matter if I was in the corporate portion of a call center, but for the peons on the phone or supervising the phones or answering emails... no policy listed.

I also worked in a book store where it was totally free. In fact, the joke by some customers was you had to be pierced to work there (here in the south facial piercings and visible tats are a big deal).

My 5th job was in a very small office. We had a store front, but it was seldom used. Mostly we were mail order. My boss about freaked when I came to work with my first facial piercing. I did not work there for long after that, and was frankly very glad to be gone.

I decided several years ago, I much prefer to work where such things are not considered 'bad'. It is just a matter of self expression as long as it is not offensive or dangerous. And if you get offended by a bit of metal in my face, I do not want to have to worry about your opinion. (using the general you, not the you you ;))
  • origins
  • What could I do with my hair considering my facial features?

    Just tell me what I could differently with my hair as in color or length that might look good on me! could I do with my hair considering my facial features?
    I would go with big and bold hairWhat could I do with my hair considering my facial features?
    You could go for a redish brown color to make your eye color really stand out and maybe an assymetrical haircut;imgrefurl=;h=3186%26amp;w=2342%26amp;sz=881%26amp;tbnid=mmx6L-L1ctJxZM:%26amp;tbnh=150%26amp;tbnw=110%26amp;prev=/images%3Fq%3Dasymmetrical%2Bhaircuts%26amp;hl=en%26amp;usg=__sGAuS8dAsSYrKYrtzNrWmFjjDhM=%26amp;ei=LEsgSpjVJOKclQf0kbiVBQ%26amp;sa=X%26amp;oi=image_result%26amp;resnum=7%26amp;ct=image
    Lots of layers will make it curlier when you put gel in it and when you straighten it it will look great too! I would go with a more natural blonde maybe put some low lights in it. Or color it brown since you have such pretty eyes brown will look good with them. Take care
    you should straighten your hair and get your hair cut shoulder length with side bangs.鈥?/a>

    but maybe shorter if you want.
    You are so pretty!

    Length is good. Try a straight style or more natural waves using foam curlers or a curling iron.
    WoW love ur hair the way it is!
    brown hair...u look too fake with ur blonde hair

    ur pretty now...but fake looking. anyways, brown hair would make u look a million times more beautiful and classy


    Will shaving my facial hair make it grow back thicker?

    Will it?Will shaving my facial hair make it grow back thicker?
    No, that's an old wives tale. Thickness of facial hair is controlled by genetics and hormone levels, not how often you shave it.Will shaving my facial hair make it grow back thicker?
    well, when you have never shaved, the hairs go from thick and start getting thiner at the end. if you shave, the hair will grow where you shaved it,(the thickest part) its not that it thicker but it seems thick because you shaved the thin part of the hair.

    LOL im just making this up. But it kinda makes sense in away. O.o
    Nope. Won't make any difference.

    Isnt it about time we had a manager with facial hair?

    i think we need a england manager with a moustache or small beard...clean shaven managers like all the previous ones have simply not got us results.

    a moustache would inspire the players to greatness in my opinion...what do u think?Isnt it about time we had a manager with facial hair?




    4. AND SPEAKS ANY OTHER LANGUAGE BUT ENGLISH.Isnt it about time we had a manager with facial hair?
    Des Lynam is your man then!
    I think it's about time they had a manager with balls, I don't care whether he shaves them or not
    I agree. Its time for me. I fit the description perfectly and I can kick a ball in the right direction. I know its hard to believe but I can. If Manager I would teach the english team this new skill.
    Janet Street Porter! Would make Beckham run faster than the donkey that he is.

    Reminds me of this question;;鈥?/a>
    i reckon my mother n law would do a great job........even the side burns are takin shape now

    Are there any tips on how to get my facial hair to grow a little faster i got a few chin hairs now nothing big

    but my moustache is taking a while to grow also can anyone help me.Are there any tips on how to get my facial hair to grow a little faster i got a few chin hairs now nothing big
    Keep shaving it.

    Even if theres hardly anything.

    It will make it grow in faster and thicker each time.


    But honestly I find facial hair horrendous.

    Hope that helps though.

    What age group should use st ives collagen elastin facial moisturizer?

    i brought this from the market but now i feel if i can use it or not.

    i am 26 and want to know if its too early for me to use?鈥?/a>What age group should use st ives collagen elastin facial moisturizer?
    My mother started using it at 20 years old. I started using it at 22 years old. No its not to early for you to use.

    By the way, it works.What age group should use st ives collagen elastin facial moisturizer?
    No, it's not too early for you to use it. It's never too early to take care of your skin to prevent wrinkles or sagging.

    What are the advantages/differences of getting a facial from a Clarins skin care expert from a dermatologist?

    besides trying to sell you products afterwards...

    thanks for your help!What are the advantages/differences of getting a facial from a Clarins skin care expert from a dermatologist?
    A Clarin's skin care expert, is not necessarily a dermatologist so she/he can't treat your skin or tell you about any problems.

    They mostly recommend products that might be good, or teach you how to do a nice make up.

    The difference is, with a dermatologist, you can ask specific questions about your skin condition. If you're having acne, eczema, rosecea or other problems, the dermatologist can prescribe medication, unlike Clarins.

    The advantage with Clarins, is that you can often get a FREE consultation, and the waiting period is not long

    Although with a real skin doctor, it may be costly if you're covered with insurance.What are the advantages/differences of getting a facial from a Clarins skin care expert from a dermatologist?
    I think a Clarins expert will try to sell your the products while helping you - with daily advice.

    A derm. will likely try to treat you as much as she/he can too - writing harsher 'scripts and using products too.

    I think if the clarins person has done this awhile she has a gift to knowing skin and products.

    A Derm is there if you need him. (severe issues) brands can't help you with).

    All you have to say is no thanks. Unless you truly benefit from the facial - and loved a product. It's worth it.
    Not sure what ';Clarins'; is, but I'm assuming it's a direct sales' company? Obviously, the rep wouldn't have a doctor's degree, however, she/he may have some great testimonies from customers who may have had success with the same type of skin problem you have. The down-side, she'd like to make a sale, and hopefully she would be honest enough to tell you it may or may not work for your skin condition. The products she sells you may or may not cause more skin irritation than you already have. Maybe she has a sample you could try for a couple of days, just to see if you have good results? This is a great benefit of a consultant, is that the products are typically ';try before you buy';.

    From a consultants' point of view: I have many customer testimonies about our products (particularly our Satin Shea Body Butter %26amp; our Lotion Bars) helping with Scorriacis(sp?) and Eczema. I'm not a DR, and can't guarantee the same results for you, but I could tell you what my customers' recommended, and you'd also have a chance to ';try before you buy';.

    On the other hand, a Dermatologist would be the expert on how to treat a skin-care problem, or get down to the bare bones of WHY you have this problem. Would likely treat it with a prescription medication, which may or may not work for you, may cause other skin irritations, or can be VERY costly. Your prescription may or may not be covered by your insurance, and may not ';feel'; good on your skin (slimy, or oily feel).

    These would be the major differences I'd see in using a Skin Care Consultant vs. a Dermatologist. Either direction has it's pluses and minuses.

  • origins
  • How do you stop or lessen facial muscle tension and shaking of facial muscles?

    a heating facial maskHow do you stop or lessen facial muscle tension and shaking of facial muscles?

    Help please i need some tips on homemade facial masks for dry and sensitive skin.?

    im looking for a easy remedy to make my face feel fresh and soft. i need some mask that contains household items. my face is very dry itchy and rough. also it tends to get red.

    oh and do you have any good remedy's on sleeping i want to have a great night sleepHelp please i need some tips on homemade facial masks for dry and sensitive skin.?
    Use avocado It Leaves the Face Very Fresh !! Leave it for about 15 mins To Make it Smooth Use Oatmeal, Bannana, or Honey. Gently Massage in Circles then wash off with cold Water.. The cold Water will close the pores in your skin.. Then Moisturize.. so it feels Hydrated and Smooth! Fresh skin is always a plus! and A much Better Feeling If you were To wear makeup Which Hides People away! Get Beautiful skin! and You Wont Need Any Hehe Just a Tip!! xx GoodLuck

    Is there a way to get rid of facial hair?

    i have hair under my chin and neck area and it's horrible! is there a cheaper way to get rid of it than expensive laser or electrolosis?Is there a way to get rid of facial hair?
    Shave it, but remember that this is a temporary method of facial hair removal that is not recommended for women. Regrowth tends to occur rapidly.

    Tweeze it. Tweezing is a good, although somewhat painful way to remove small areas of unwanted facial hair. Because the hair is plucked out at the root, it takes longer for regrowth to appear.

    Use depilatory creams, gels and lotions, which contain a chemical that alters the structure of the hair for easy removal. This chemical can be irritating to skin, so use only a product especially formulated for the face. Always do a skin test on a small area of the face before using the product, and follow directions exactly to avoid irritation or chemical burns.

    Consider waxing every 4 to 6 weeks, in which you apply hot or cold wax to the area of unwanted hair. The hair becomes affixed to the wax and the wax is then pulled off the skin, taking the hair with it. Test a small area of your skin for an allergic reaction before using, and do not use wax on sunburned or irritated skin.

    Consider using a lotion containing alpha-hydroxy acid after any of the above treatments. It exfoliates the skin, which helps to prevent ingrown hairs.

    If all else fails, bleaching the hair is a safe and easy option.

    =)Is there a way to get rid of facial hair?
    You could use Nair. Or the Veet facial hair remover cream. You can get them at Walmart.
    You can get some tweezers and puck each hair, depending on how much it is. It hurts until you get use to it. Takes longer for the hair to grow back, and it doesn't leave a mark.
    you can get one of those things that take the hair off and they dont grow back. alot of store sell them. major retail stores or you can order one from online
    Waxing or threading are the only ways I'm familiar with.

    I'd ask someone at a salon for their opinion though.
    you can try to bleach it, or they have creams to put on once you pluck that inhibit growth
    wax it but you would have to do that often

    or threading
    I have this problem and at the moment i wax mine... though i do still feel like a man with it all... i just hope not many people are looking at my chin or my neck.. its my moustashe area. lol.... its awful!! Wishing you all the best!

    Help homemade facial recipes to make in front of my class?

    a quick and easy recipes that has no avocadoHelp homemade facial recipes to make in front of my class?
    Honey Mask Recipe

    The best facial mask is honey. Place a cloth in warm water and apply to your face to open the pores. Smear on honey, and leave on for 15 to 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm water, then use cold water to close the pores. Use once a week.Help homemade facial recipes to make in front of my class?
    I had a recipe for an exfoliating one. You put some plain old white rice in a (clean) coffee grinder and whiz them up. Then combine with plain yogurt. It works great.
    egg whites, just wisk a few together and apply, let dry and rinse. Helps with acne.
    Oatmeal is always a good one:

    1 cup oatmeal

    3 T essential oil

    1/2 cup coarse salt

    2 egg whites, beaten

    1/2 cup coarsely chopped mint leaves

    Blend and apply.
    Fresh Facial Creams



    1 oz Glycerin

    1 oz Witch hazel

    1/2 oz Rose water

    3 tb Honey

    3 tb Wheat germ oil

    --------------------------SOOTHING CUCUMBER CREAM--------------------------

    1 Whole cucumber, unpeeled

    1/2 oz White paraffin

    2 oz Sweet almond oil

    ** This cream is soothing for simple cases of windburn, sunburn, insect

    bites, or poison ivy and it even calms the ravages of air pollution if you

    apply it right after clensing. As with the creation of any creams, remember

    the lessions learned from making mayonnaise, slowly, very slowly, add the

    oil, drop by drop to the wax.

    Antiaging Cream: Smooth a bit of this antiwrinkle prep every night around

    the tender skin of your face and neck. Combine ingreds in a class or

    ceramic bowl and gently whisk until thoroughly combined. Store in tightly

    sealed container at room temp. It should last for at least 1 mo which is

    about when you will want to make up a new batch. To Use: Massage into skin

    around eyes and mouth using a circular and upward motion. This motion will

    counteract the natural droop of gravity.

    Soothing Cucumber Cream: Cut cucumber into chunks and puree in food

    processor. Strain through strainer lined with cheesecloth. Melt wax in

    small bowl in the top of a glass or enamel double boiler over med heat. As

    soon as the wax is melted, slowly add oil, stirring gently. Add strained

    cucumber and blend thoroughly. Remove the pot from heat and cover with a

    clean kitchen towel. Let mixtue cool very slowly to prevent crystals from

    forming in the wax. Stir mixture once or twice until cool. When completely

    cool and smooth, store in airtight glass container in refrigerator. Will

    keep 60 days.

    Vegetable Patch Facial - Oily Skin

    1/4 Mashed tomato - seeds and

    -skin removed

    2 ts Plain yogurt

    1 ts Mashed cucumber

    2 ts Aloe gel

    3 ts Oatmeal powder

    2 Mint leaves crushed

    General directions: Mix ingredients together in a bowl. Apply to face and

    leave on for ten minutes. When taking off the facial, try patting the face

    with a warm washcloth to dampen before removing. Apply moisturizer.

    People making fun of 6 year old with facial deformedies?

    Juliana Wetmore was pretty much born without a face,aka, no ears, hardly a mouth or nose or cheekbones, she is now 6. I saw her story on tlc and was looking to see if she had a website so that I could tell her parents what an inspiration she is. I was appalled that people are making fun of her and saying she should have been aborted people are so mean.People making fun of 6 year old with facial deformedies?
    Omg. I just googled her and I feel soo bad for her. People are such bastards when it comes to apperances. I think us (the people who care) should all band together and support her somehow. I think its terrible what people are doing to her. I feel terrible now. I'm going to see if there's anyway I can help.People making fun of 6 year old with facial deformedies?
    wow, i haven't seen that but probably would be in tears. im sorry i don't know a web page, but wanted to comment. it really hurts my heart when people can pick on other people about the way the look, physical or mental issues, especially when the one receiving is a child who's heart is probably already broken. i do wish her well. sorry i was no help.
    Some people like to laugh at others who are less fortunate. It's the way the world is. She does sound like an inspirational chickie, just like the girl in India born with craniofacial duplication, aka 2 faces, who was healthy.
    i agree that is so mean she is so lucky to be alive i dint know why people cant look past things like that and know that everyone has feelings and everyone has to go threw life so make it as pleasant as possible
    If I knew ahead of time that my child would live a life of torment and ostrasizism. I love my child enough to abort. Making a child go through a life of hell and rejection selfish and inhumane
    As if the child doesn't have enough challanges without their rude remarks...

    Some people are just so unhappy with life that they find joy in other people's misery. I agree, it's very upsetting.
    I agree greatly. Is amazing. I thought bullying and people saying mean things only happened with kids at school. Of course not, adults are even worse. More power to ya
    Stupid a** people..I'm sorry that just pissed me off.yes people can be so mean for stupid reasons. I despise stupid people who think things like that are funny.Makes me wanna slap the s**t out of them.
    Im sorry but if I saw anyone making fun of a deformed child, I would freak.

    That is completely appalling. I could cry =(
    Wow, that is awful, down right terrible. It boggles my mind why people would even go out of their way to go find a site for the little girl to post mean, and hurtful things. They must have nothing better to do. I as an adult would NEVER do anything like that, or condone my daughter doing any such things.

    Do you put water on before shaving your facial hair?

    I was wondering because some people say you should put water on your face before shaving and others say not to.Do you put water on before shaving your facial hair?
    Well, it's recommended to wash your face with warm water first, then leave a hot towel in place to open the pores up a bit, then wipe off (it clears off surfaced dirts/oils), then lather your face (traditional razor and shaving cream/gel) or proceed with business (electric razor), then wince and prepare for aftershave to close the pores and kill off germs on the surface.Do you put water on before shaving your facial hair?
    I always rinse my face for a minute with hot water, and then shaving creme. I think the hot water is supposed to open up your pours.
    if you get your face more moist your less likely to cut yourself
    I shave when I am taking a bath. So my face is already wet when I shave. This is the best time to shave, I believe.
    It's a preference. You are using shaving cream right? Warm water will open up the pores on your face for easier shaving.
  • origins
  • Why don't they allow newscasters to have facial hair?

    I notice that a lot of the news anchors on CNN and ESPN do not have facial hair other than a mustache. I'm pursuing a career in broadcast journalism but I have a lot of facial hair, basically my goatee is connected to my sideburns if that explains it. Everyone tells me that it is required that news anchors not have facial hair. I personally dodon'tnderstand why that rule is even in play, but if someone can explain it to me or clarify that would help.

    ThanksWhy don't they allow newscasters to have facial hair?
    The presence of Wolf Blitzer on CNN is one indication that these experts maynotknow wat they are talking about.Why don't they allow newscasters to have facial hair?
    You really have to pursue an interest in human psychology to understand the answer your question. I can't go into it here with the limited time and space. But in short, think of it this way. What type of stranger would a child approach if s/he was in need of help? This is basically why news people have the appearance they do. Only after they have established their name and standing in the industry, do they get away with facial hair. Like Wolf Blitzer. Which is ironic since he represents just the Liberal view.

    Another aspect to this is the fact that newscasters generally have a mid-western accent. There are 6 officially recognized accents in the U.S. with dozens of sub-accents derived from these 6. But America identifies with the mid-western accent and it is subconsciously recognized as the one America uses.

    What is the name for the style of facial worn by Jayson Werth of the Phillies?

    its called a goatee.What is the name for the style of facial worn by Jayson Werth of the Phillies?

    I have facial razor bumps and they really bother me i need help?

    hi how can i get rid of these razor bumps on my face. im going to start using an electric razor, would an antihistamine cream make them better? i have A LOT. what about a salycylic acid cleanser? please some1 helpI have facial razor bumps and they really bother me i need help?
    Let those calm down before you do anything.

    Next time use a moisturizing shaving gel/lotion.. And then apply lotion on as soon as your done shaving. Pat your face dry first, and then put the moisturizer on.I have facial razor bumps and they really bother me i need help?
    Ingrow Magic Easy Wipes

    Wipe out Ingrow Hairs Fast!

    The lotion for ingrown hairs, razor bumps and razor burns.

    Now available in convenient easy wipes!The amazing lotion that outs ingrown hairs leaving skin smooth, clear and bump free. Potent Formula with two-way action

    Ingrow Magic contains potent ingredients that have a two-way action. First, it cleans out and purifies the affected pore. Next, the exfoliating action goes to work, sloughing away the dry dead skin and releasing the trapped hair. Skin is left clean, clear and silky smooth. 60 wipes for only 15.00 (retails for 25.00)

    Potent Formula with two-way action

    Ingrow Magic contains potent ingredients that have a two-way action. First, it cleans out and purifies the affected pore. Next, the exfoliating action goes to work, sloughing away the dry dead skin and releasing the trapped hair. Skin is left clean, clear and silky smooth.

    Relief in as little as 24 hours!

    Now you no longer have to cover up or feel embarrassed by those ugly red bumps on your skin. Ingrow Magic is so effective you can be rid of those ugly bumps in as little as 24 hours, and continued use will keep you silky smooth and bump-free for good! That鈥檚 because not only does Ingrow Magic erase existing ingrown hairs - it helps stop new ones from forming. Used regularly, you鈥檒l never have to experience the embarrassment of ingrown hairs again! Use Ingrow Magic on your legs, bikini line, underarms, face , neck or anywhere hair removal has taken place.


    Clean skin thoroughly

    Simply apply an Ingrow Magic Easy Wipe directly to the affected area, preferably once in the morning and once at night.


    Ingrow Magic may be applied directly after shaving to soothe skin and prevent further ingrown hairs.


    Ingrow Magic should be applied after 24 hours of use to soothe skin and prevent further ingrown hairs.


    Ingrow Magic can be used several days prior to waxing and/or depilation to assist with successful hair removal and aid in the prevention of ingrown hairs.

    What cream or product should I use for facial acne?

    I am 15 years old, and I have a lot of pimple /acne on my forehead,and around my nose. I have dry skin, but my forehead where the pimples are , is oily, but my cheeks are really dry. Do you know a suitable cream product for my acne and dry skin?

    and I have one more problem, my legs and arms are really dry.

    Do you know what I should use?

    Thankkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!! YouWhat cream or product should I use for facial acne?
    What the skin needs is a product that clears pores and kills bacteria, thus preventing hair follicles from clogging and turning into acne. This is what you should be looking for if you want to get rid of those ugly acne.

    Before trying any treatment, I suggest you read this informational source that listed the most effective acne treatments available:

    P.S. I also know someone who used to suffer from severe acne for 14 YEARS and finally got rid of it completely. She's sharing her story at her site:

    Maybe you could learn from her inspirational story

    .What cream or product should I use for facial acne?
    Don't even mess with anything else..go for Proactiv asap. I tried several, including Mary Kay, Clinque etc..The Proactiv is the only thing that works. I now can even buy what products I use most at my local mall. I use the cleanser more than anything. I use the toner and oilcontrol lotion only once a day, cuz it will make me too dry. They also have a body wash my son loves. He has backne..back acne. It is the only thing he will use. Good luck..
    you can wear clean and clear cream or

    like olay
    For dry body skin use Eucerin.

    Most acne web sites dealing with acne find that 95% of the products out there are lousy and just exist to take your money. The other 5% you get through your dermatologist. Acne treatment is not cheap.

    Would my facial piercing close? How to hide piercings?

    I have my lip pierced for almost 2 years. I have my monroe for maybe 8 or 9 months now.

    I will have to live with my grandparents for a month and i need to seriously hide them. I thought of clear lip retainers, but not sure if they are going to be too obvious. Could I put coverup on them? Any other ideas? Also, i was thinking if none of those ideas work, I can take the piercing out and then put them bck in when im sleeping/showering...etc. ,but would they close up?Would my facial piercing close? How to hide piercings?
    If you have had them in that long I don't think they will. Just for a day take them out and guess how many hours a day you're actually gonna be spending with your grandparents and see if the whole gets smaller or harder to fit the stud in.

    You could also just keep the studs in without the balls and just pull them into your mouth when you're around them. :)Would my facial piercing close? How to hide piercings?
    No one can really say if they will close or not cuz everyones body is different and some peoples piercings that they've had for years close if they take them out for a few hours especially oral piercings tend to close up fast. but if you want to keep them open you should try taking the piercings out for a few hours at a time and build it up to 8 or 12 hours without the piercing in so that you know it wont close when you stay with your grandparents. hope that helped.
    as silly as this sounds try the retainers and put coverup over them ?

    retainers seem to work well, my friend at work wears his on his lip and its barely noticeable. i would test it out, ask others what they think. I'm no piercing expert but i would say the lips safe seeing as how you've had it pierced for so long, and maybe the monroe. both have been pierced for awhile. and since you'd be wearing them at night it shouldn't be much of a problem...well goodluck!
    Clear retainers can only do so much as far as hiding them go; they're fine for work, but not staying with someone for long periods of time. They're going to notice.

    Some online places sell flesh colored balls, that may work too.

    You may want to buy some, and use cover-up on them, but also, if you are going to be close, take them out then. Put the normal studs in while you sleep/not around them to keep them from closing.

    Also, remember to clean the bars and retainers, because constantly taking them in and out will cause bacteria to form on the bars. Just use soap and water before putting them in.

    Does anyone know how to get rid of facial hair burn?


    my upper lip is red and looks horrible..its been like this for over 25 hours...what do i do!?

    will it be like this for the rest of my life??

    Im freaking out!Does anyone know how to get rid of facial hair burn?
    waxing strip, plucking(would take some time)

    wax/pluck it and leave it be for 30-60 minutes before applying your foundationDoes anyone know how to get rid of facial hair burn?
    If it's red because you waxed it, just put milk or yogurt on a washcloth and press it to your lip. If not, it's just alittle redness it'll go away in a little bit. Don't worry about it.
  • origins
  • Is gressy facial skin during pregnancy normal?

    My face feals extemely gressy, even soon after I wash it. I normally have ungreasy skin. Is this normal during pregnancy?Is gressy facial skin during pregnancy normal?
    yeah its normal because of the hormonal changes i have the same problem now so i use neutrogena 2 in 1 wash and mask and it works for me and you can buy those oil papers from i guess clean %26amp; clear whenever you feel your face is oily just put it on your face and it sucks the oil from the faceIs gressy facial skin during pregnancy normal?
    I think ANY and EVERY kind of facial skin is normal during pregnancy. My skin has changed about 3 times during this pregnancy, first it was very dry and almost flaky, then very oily and now it's drying out again. I would suggest trying different products to see what works best with this new skin.
    Greasy skin is, yes.
    yes... i find my nose gets very oily... its grosssss! :)
    Yes, due to the many hormonal changes. Try to change cleansers to a deep cleanser.
    yes it is normal, and greasy hair!!

    joys of pregnancy lol

    Alcohol in facial creams good or bad ?

    I want to buy skin care products with Vitamin E from Body Shop/ And I read that they all contain alcohol. I heard somewhere that it's not good for your skin(mine is normal/dry)/ Is that true?Alcohol in facial creams good or bad ?
    ill have the alcohol, you can have the cream

    Does obagi facial wash work well with oily and blemished skin?

    Obagi, is really good stuff. My fiancee is in her 40's and we have noticed a awesome difference.

    When you break down the cost per use you are only putting your money up as a ';small'; investment.

    We are probably considered almost as poor but the cost per use makes sense. Believe me I am very frugal and I have done the numbers.

    You are on a great product!!!!Does obagi facial wash work well with oily and blemished skin?
    obagi is a very good brand. it is a little expensive, however, it works well on troublesome (sensitive) skin. if you have mild acne and sensitive skin, i recommend this wash. i used to use this brand and enjoyed it.

    i don't think it will work for getting rid of tough blemishes. if you have a lot of acne and blackheads i would recommend something a little more potent. i personally like aveda (purifying gel cleanser). its cheaper and worked much better in eliminating my bad acne and blackheads.Does obagi facial wash work well with oily and blemished skin?
    it could but normally no
    hmm...i prefer Clean and Clear deep clean, or Neutrogena =)

    Is it harmful to use bleach to lighten facial and body hair when you are pregnant?

    Hi, I am 5 week pregnant and I was wondering if it will harm my baby if I use bleach to lighten my facial and body hair. I also use henna to color and condition my hair. is it harmful also? I haven't used any of it ever since I found out that I'm pregnant. I would also like to know if I can start walking on trademill for exercise. Althought everybody in my family been telling me to do nothing but sit around and wait till it turns three months so that my pregnany will be settled and I won't have the fear of losing the baby. I would be very greatful if someone could answer my questions.


    miliIs it harmful to use bleach to lighten facial and body hair when you are pregnant?
    Don't do any heavy lifting or running, but walking is just fine. I hope by ';bleach'; you mean drug store bleach kits, and not actual chlorine bleach, which isn't safe, period. You can bleach your facial and body hair, just do so in a very well-ventilated area. Peroxide or peroxide cream would be better than normal lightening kits, though. You don't want to risk inhaling too much ammonia.

    You actually have a higher risk of miscarriage later in the pregnancy, when your body has extra weight and mass to adjust to. Just don't overdo it, and you should be fine.Is it harmful to use bleach to lighten facial and body hair when you are pregnant?
    I would call your doctor.....
    The bleaching of facial hair is up to you. There has never been any cases of bleach or hair dye harming a fetus, in all the years that we've been dying and bleaching our hair. Some people will tell you not to do it, because chemicals are absorbed into the skin. But honestly, if your not bathing in it everyday you don't have anything to worry about. I'm pregnant and in beauty school and my doctor told me I have nothing to worry about, and I have to touch chemicals every day.

    Henna is a vegi dye and doesn't have chemicals in it. Its not harmful to pregnant woman. And neither is facial bleach.

    Walking is great for you. Just keep hydrated and make sure you don't work up a sweat for too long. ';pregnancy settling'; is an old wives tail. The reason why people have miscarriages is because there is something wrong with the embryo they are carrying.
    in my opinion you can use henna because it is herbal!!!!!!! take care......
    very much?
    ...i dunno...ask your doctor, and take what you are wanting to use with you, so he/she knows exactly what you are using,because chemicals, you shouldn't be using them while pregnant,especially this early on..

    be careful-

    What is the best brand of no-strip hard wax to wax body and facial hair, and where can i buy it online?

    I'm looking more in the range of $30 and under... thank you very much :)What is the best brand of no-strip hard wax to wax body and facial hair, and where can i buy it online?
    Satin Smooth Calendula Gold. It's professional only, so you should check EBay. I use this for myself.What is the best brand of no-strip hard wax to wax body and facial hair, and where can i buy it online?
    Waxing Hair Removal - Tips For Best Results

    To avoid the skin appearing darker after waxing, be careful

    not to expose the treated area to the sun for 48 hours after


    Alternatively use a good sun blocker cream on newly treated


    Be sure to test a small area of skin first to make sure

    there is no acute sensitivity or allergic reaction to the


    Hair should be at least 1/8 inch long. If it isn't wait

    until it reaches this length.

    Be sure to wash the skin thoroughly and dry it well

    beforehand to remove any lotions or oils which may prevent

    the wax from adhering closely to the skin.

    Heat the wax carefully so as not to overheat and thus burn

    the skin when applying. Test on a small area first.

    The consistency should be soft rather than runny.

    If pain and discomfort is a main concern use a pain reducing

    gel or cream available from pharmacists. These solutions

    should be applied 30 to 60 minutes before waxing so the skin

    is numbed beforehand.

    Apply a thin layer of wax in the direction of the hair

    growth, preferably holding the spatula or tongue depresser

    at a 45 degree angle as you spread the wax.

    When applying the cotton strip over the wax, rub in the same

    direction as the hair growth leaving about 1/3 of the strip

    free to allow for a firm grip for a fast back pulling


    Pull the skin taut before pulling the cotton strip away.

    Pull back with a rapid movement close to the skin. Do not

    pull up or out, rather pull back. One fast, smooth, pull

    back is much more effective than a series of light pulls

    which only increase the pain and leave patchy areas.

    Clean the skin with a warm moist towel afterwards to remove

    excess wax.

    Avoid showering and making the hair wet prior to hair

    waxing. Hair absorbs the water making it soft and less

    likely to adhere well to the wax. Tough hair is easier to

    pull off.

    Avoid wearing tight clothing over freshly waxed areas to

    minimize the risk of irritation and ingrown hairs.

    After 24-48 hours exfoliate the skin (with a Loofa sponge

    for example) to prevent the dead skin from accumulating in

    areas that can become ingrown such as the bikini line, upper

    thighs, underarms and calves.

    If acne is a problem, wait until the skin has healed before

    hair waxing to avoid further irritating this sensitive


    ***Extra Tips For Facial Hair***

    For facial hair use wax at a lower temperature than the rest

    of the body.

    Use one hand to hold the skin taught.

    Spread the wax very thinly.

    Only treat small areas at a time.

    Recommendation: To make waxing hair removal much easier and

    less frequent, always apply a hair inhibitor after each

    waxing session.

    Recommended brand;

    Satin Smooth

    Click here for details:
    The brand that I use is Ardell apple pear cold wax even though it states that it's for eyebrows you can use it for everything

    Can facial scrubs make your pores larger?

    will it make your pores becomes bigger, I read one of the yahoo answer that it does. So is it true?Can facial scrubs make your pores larger?
    During scrubbing, it opens up ur pores to wash the impurities deep within. After ';close'; the pores, use a Toner, then a moisturer to replenish the moisture and water. Your pores will enlarge only when u use it too frequently.Can facial scrubs make your pores larger?
    No, facial scrubs can't and don't make pores larger. Pore size and how visible your pores are is pretty much a hereditary factor; it's in the genes.

    However, it is possible to ';tighten'; pores and make them appear smaller by using a chemical exfoliant, such as an Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) product. A few of these are Glycolic Acid, Lactic Acid, Malic Acid, Mandelic Acid, etc. Considering that facial scrubs are exfoliants as well, you would think they'd help tighten pores too ... but I guess because AHAs work from deep into the skin up (in comparison to a scrub that just work on the surface), it's just more effective.
    i dont think so....scrubs will just exfoliate your dead skin and cleanses your skin....using scrubs everyday is not make it sure you balance the products that you are using...dont forget to use moisturizers and sunblocks
    ya i think it does.
    Nah, i don't think so...
    no(mabye if its cheap products)
    It was open up your pores so that the cleanser can penetrate through to clean up the dirt in your face.

    It should not be permanent. =)

    Use a toner and moisturize after that to close up pores.

    Don't worry about it, you will be fine!

    CHEERS! =D
    Not at all. Maybe you need to invest in a pore minimizer.
    no, i don't think they can make you pores larger. The scrub the dead skin cells off the surfce of your skin so your porse don't get clogged, but I know tha if you use a scrub to frequently it can do dmagae to the skin surface. I wash my face twice a day with warm water to open my pores and every other night I wash my face with a scrub, I rinse off the scrub/cleanser with cold water so it closes my pores.

    facial scrubs moisturizes and gently exfoliates your skin

    removes dirt

    It won't rob your skin of natural lubricants that protect and preserve youthfulness.
  • origins
  • Which career will allow visible facial piercings? Which better known careers will not allow facial piercings?

    I am looking into a second career for myself but have quite a few visible body piercings. and most of them are dermal-anchors, so, i cant exactly take them out. They are more permanent. I am having trouble deciding a career option if i dont know about them allowing visible piercings.Which career will allow visible facial piercings? Which better known careers will not allow facial piercings?
    Probably a lot of things in the arts. Set builder, band manager, rock and/or country musician, roadie, stage manager, etc.

    Mechanic maybe?

    Something with not a lot of visible contact with the public (unfortunately a lot of companies are afraid to let employees even show a small pretty tattoo or more than two piercings in the ear lobes--I know. Grrrrrr.....). What about computer trouble shooting/customer service for an ISP?


    Another thought is something along the lines of Hard Rock Cafe.

    Anyway--hopefully a suggestion or two will lead you into a direction that works for you. Good luck!

    I work in pediatrics and we are not allowed any ';non traditional'; piercings although I am allowed a couple of tiny studs in the cartilege of my ear.Which career will allow visible facial piercings? Which better known careers will not allow facial piercings?
    Sorry, but everything I know of will ask that you not have them. Our company policy is that anything other than the ears is considered excessive and should be removed.
    One thing you have to remember...when you are working for a company, regardless of whether or not you actually do business with others in person or not, you are representing that company.

    You will need to find a company that is lax in how their employees look.

    For the most part, any of the professional careers (attorney, accountant, doctors, etc) will not be receptive to facial piercings.
    join a Circus

    What facial cleanser skincare product do you use?

    AcneFree is the best! I always use it and it keeps my skin clear.What facial cleanser skincare product do you use?
    when i wake up i take a shower and after i get out and use

    clean and clear morning burst with shine control to wake up my face then after that i use c.o bigelow face lotion for oily skin and some sunscreen and let that dry and then i put my make up on

    and i carry e.l.f blotting sheets in my purse for touch ups in the day

    then at night i use dior cleansing gelee to remove my eye make up and walgreens cold cream to remove my face makeup and before i go to bed i use c.o bigelow face lotion for oily skin again

    hope this helpsWhat facial cleanser skincare product do you use?
    The ones that God provided for me :) Honey, and mild standard soap! I wash my face every night before I go to bed, and I also put honey on my occasional pimples when needed. Honey has a natural acne-fighting bacteria in it that is good for your skin...cinnamon is also good. Google ';honey for pimples'; to get a lot more info!
    Different skin treatments work differently for different people ;-)

    But Vilantae has some downsides. There's an independent review site that compares Vilantae and other skin treatments, I think you should take a look:鈥?/a>

    Good luck :-)
    Arbonne's NutriminC RE9 Anti-Aging face cleanser (all natural)
    aveeno skin brightening daily scrub some days

    %26amp; aveeno positively radiant cleanser the rest
    well if u want to get rid of acne try acne free u can get it at any drug store

    if you dont need to worry about acne try something that suits your skin type ( dry/oily)
    biore and purpose

    What facial features would girls envy on guys?

    as well all know women are suckers for envy what parts do they envy about guys?

    natural red lips?

    sorry if seems random but would be interesting to knowWhat facial features would girls envy on guys?
    um..i dont really think theres anything. um...maybe high cheekbones? but grls can have that as well. maybe just like general things like....nice skin or eyes or lips. but hte thing is evryone can have this and they're not really male characteristicsWhat facial features would girls envy on guys?
    Umm I don't think there's anything on a man's face that a woman would want. Facial hair? Broad jawline? No thanks. Only maybe eye color or red lips, but those are things that girls can have too. This question doesn't really make sense.
    The eyes, I mostly go for the guys with bright blue eyes, super sexy!


    Which girl is more attractive?;_ylt=AjSh0DXO12Xd5GETDwZShsHsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20090812211216AAHngLU
    Mine are naturally red lips ;), honestly I do Envy the more define jaw line. I like mine to have a stronger jaw line but not tooo manly.
    most guys (ages 15+) have naturally high cheekbones. most girls envy that on guys haha
    long beautiful eye lashes!
    facial hair
    I envey, eyes and lips. (:.

    How do i get rid of a facial tic or nervous twitch?

    when I'm in a stressful situation... like an interview.... my facial muscles start to twitch.... anyone know how to get rid of themHow do i get rid of a facial tic or nervous twitch?
    Your twitch is not your problem. It is telling you about a problem. Just like your oil light in your car or the smoke detector in your house. Treat the problem; not the symptoms.How do i get rid of a facial tic or nervous twitch?
    Two ways. See your doctor about a good anti-anxiety/anti-depressant. This will help to stablize your overall serentonin and dopamine levels and help you in stressful situations. I personally had a lot of success with Prozac, but I did not want to be tied down to a ';crutch'; . I used to have nervous ticks and the best way I found to cope with them was to use a self help therepy on those calmer days. I would simply breathe in long steady breaths until it would pass. Good, daily meditation sessions are the best kind. It takes a little discipline to take time out of your day and meditate, but it is worth it. It's okay. Life stress is apon all of us these days. If you can't take a little time to meditate, then this is the answer to your question of why you have a nervous twitch in the first place. Relax.
    Have confidence even in a stressful situation like a job interview.
    Practice Swami Ramdeo's -';AnulomVilom'; 50 timesevery day and increase to 100! Works well.

    What can i do to prevent oily facial skin?

    wash your face. But dont use a face wash that will reallllllly dry your face out, becuz believe it or not, it will make your skin more oily because your skin will realize theres no oil on your face and it will kinda go into ';panic'; mode and create too much oil. Use just a regular face wash and a good moisturizer (non oil moisturizer)!!What can i do to prevent oily facial skin?
    wash your face everyday.What can i do to prevent oily facial skin?
    Guys have it worse that girls

    Do you wash your face every day ?

    Well if you don't you should

    Don't scrub or that's just going cause more oil to appear

    Soap and water

    My friend uses olay

    but then again he's gay

    You know what use


    It works
    This trick was taught to me by my Grandmother back in the day of acne and oily skin. Next time you peel a potato, wash your face with the peels first , then soap and water. Your face will dry up in no time. The starch in the potato dries out all the oil. If not the first time , try it once or twice more, guaranteed !!
    check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Oily Skin control鈥?/a>
    use clean %26amp; clear oil absorbers. they come in a little blue package and theyre little blue sheets. you can find them in walmart or any drugstore where facial cleansers are and stuff like that. you can see the oil that comes off on the sheets. they will fit in your pocket so you can take them anywhere.

    Where are some good places to order facial primer?

    any personal opinions or thoughts on this?Where are some good places to order facial primer? search for facial primer and you can read reviews from other customers before buying.

    Hope that helps =]
  • origins
  • Best facial cleansing line in a drug store?

    I currently use St. Ives (which works great!), but I was wondering if there are perhaps any other affordable brands that work better? Thanks!

    My skin is normal, but I mainly use the apricot cleanser for occasional breakouts. Its moisturizer is great as well. :)Best facial cleansing line in a drug store?
    I love Noxema Cleansing Cream, Biore Pore Unclogging Scrub, and Aveeno Ultra-Calming Foam Cleanser for redness

    My favorite line would probably be Aveeno just because its so gentleBest facial cleansing line in a drug store?

    It makes skin soft and silky, and helps with blemishes.

    Go to a search engine and type it in, and read for yourself the wonders of it.

    Another good line of cleansers is neutrogena.
    Cetaphil is a really good line. :)

    If you use mens rogain foam on your face would you begin to grow facial hair?

    No, it will just get red and irritated, plus, even though you want facial hair now, you wont whenyou have it, I'm 1 and in 7th grade, I have have it and its so frustrating having to shave every morning!

    What do you think of people with facial piercings?

    What do you think of people with facial piercings?

    Even if they just have a couple? Do you judge them to be bad people?What do you think of people with facial piercings?
    i think nose/lip/tongue/eyebrow rings are soo hot. [well depending how well it compliments the person]

    if someone has a piercing of that sort, i might be attracted to them more because those things are noticeable, and if you get noticed by me then hey that's a good thing ;)

    NOOO they are NOT bad people. do you see any of these terroists with piercings? THOSE are bad people and look, not a single piercing on their body.What do you think of people with facial piercings?
    i have a monroe, therefore i don't think you shouldn't like piercings. Report Abuse

    I think they're attractive if there aren't too many. Like tattoos, too many is just too much, if that makes sense.
    I think they're hot in moderation.. 20 is overkill IMO. =P

    Whatever floats your boat, tho. I'm not gonna judge you for it.
    i have my eyebrow, nose, and tongue pierced. i had my lip pierced for a couple of months. i think people that have piercings have found another way to express themselves, a way that makes them happy..
    I think it makes them look like they had a fight with a barbed wire fence...and lost.
    I like them...but less is more in my opinion.I have my nose pierced..I think eyebrow piercings are hot,I used to have one but it closed up on me.
    hey i have a lip ring and i dont judge anyone
    Simple....form of expression!!! when being gay first came out, alot of people hated it because they dont understand it, same rule applys to pearcings. There crunk if you ask me!
    They are definitely not for me, but more power to people who like it! I'll just stick to rings in my ears, thank you.
    i think its so awesome! i want some soooo bad but im ';underage'; as my parents put it but i only have a year and 3 months til im 18 and im getting my lip pierced first.
    not bad, just crazy!

    they are all crazy!

    piercings, tattoos, BRANDINGS (ouch), there's a guy down that the grocery store with a washer in his ear!

    this has to STOP!

    (except on cute girls, a nose ring is okay... and if they will date me, tattoos are fine, too... okay, anything you want, dear)
    I have a vertical labret in my lower lip.

    So, I obviously like them.
    no not at alll, i just wonder why the hell you would do that, but then it also depends, nose piercings are cool, the the bull ring in the nose, come on. what is the purpose
    I love people with their lip, eyebrow, nose, or tongue pierced...I think it's sexy...and I want to get my eyebrow and tongue pierced.

    Oh and No, I don't judge them to be bad people, I don't judge anyone.
    I think they have the guts to be themselves and not worry about what some narrow minded idiot thinks of them.
    I like lip rings alot, I'm a biter and lip rings are fun... But it really depends on the person and the sort of face they have. I don't automatically judge them as bad people, and usually they are sexy...
    Not bad people just not attractive to me, if done wrong or in an odd place they can just look silly.
    different strokes for different folks. i let them be so long they don't start messing with me...