Monday, November 21, 2011

Is it harmful to use bleach to lighten facial and body hair when you are pregnant?

Hi, I am 5 week pregnant and I was wondering if it will harm my baby if I use bleach to lighten my facial and body hair. I also use henna to color and condition my hair. is it harmful also? I haven't used any of it ever since I found out that I'm pregnant. I would also like to know if I can start walking on trademill for exercise. Althought everybody in my family been telling me to do nothing but sit around and wait till it turns three months so that my pregnany will be settled and I won't have the fear of losing the baby. I would be very greatful if someone could answer my questions.


miliIs it harmful to use bleach to lighten facial and body hair when you are pregnant?
Don't do any heavy lifting or running, but walking is just fine. I hope by ';bleach'; you mean drug store bleach kits, and not actual chlorine bleach, which isn't safe, period. You can bleach your facial and body hair, just do so in a very well-ventilated area. Peroxide or peroxide cream would be better than normal lightening kits, though. You don't want to risk inhaling too much ammonia.

You actually have a higher risk of miscarriage later in the pregnancy, when your body has extra weight and mass to adjust to. Just don't overdo it, and you should be fine.Is it harmful to use bleach to lighten facial and body hair when you are pregnant?
I would call your doctor.....
The bleaching of facial hair is up to you. There has never been any cases of bleach or hair dye harming a fetus, in all the years that we've been dying and bleaching our hair. Some people will tell you not to do it, because chemicals are absorbed into the skin. But honestly, if your not bathing in it everyday you don't have anything to worry about. I'm pregnant and in beauty school and my doctor told me I have nothing to worry about, and I have to touch chemicals every day.

Henna is a vegi dye and doesn't have chemicals in it. Its not harmful to pregnant woman. And neither is facial bleach.

Walking is great for you. Just keep hydrated and make sure you don't work up a sweat for too long. ';pregnancy settling'; is an old wives tail. The reason why people have miscarriages is because there is something wrong with the embryo they are carrying.
in my opinion you can use henna because it is herbal!!!!!!! take care......
very much?
...i dunno...ask your doctor, and take what you are wanting to use with you, so he/she knows exactly what you are using,because chemicals, you shouldn't be using them while pregnant,especially this early on..

be careful-

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