Friday, July 23, 2010

Why some employers prohibit facial hair?

Have you ever wondered why Sales people and attorneys in the majority of cases never wear facial hair? In fact, a lot of companies have no facial hair policy - why is that? Is it a trust issue or something else? I would appreciate an educated response vs. guess.. Thanks.Why some employers prohibit facial hair?
It's both a health issue and an image issue. As a restaurant manager, I don't want an employee's hair, whether from the head or the chin, to wind up in the food I serve my patrons. In addition, it's the law under state health regulations that hair be covered...and since it's nearly impossible to fully cover facial hair, it's simpler just to say you can't work in my restaurant and have facial hair. There are also certain other safety concerns regarding beards and mustaches.

But if, instead of running a restaurant, I own a business wherein my employees have to interact with the public, I don't want the public to get a bad impression of my business through having employees who look like something the cat drug in. My wife's employer sells high-end furniture and does not allow any employee that interacts with the public to wear facial hair or visible body piercings other than simple post earrings - and only one pair of those. No visible tattoos, either.

It is not a question of fairness - the business owner has the absolute right to dictate appearances. If you don't like it, you're free to seek employment elsewhere.Why some employers prohibit facial hair?
In an environment like a kitchen or laboratory facial hair is prohobited for health or cleanliness reasons. In those case, the rule helps improve the quality of work.

Otherwise, facial hair is prohibited to ';maintain professionalism';, which is another way of saying ';conforming to superficial and culturally biased stereotypes';. Having a beard doesn't make someone dirty, delinquent or incompetent, but a lot people believe it does. If those people are your clients, customers and partners, you conform to their irrational stereotypes in the interests of business.
I think it's about looking smart. In some (but not all cases!) facial hair can look quite unkempt and like the personal does not carry out appropriate grooming, so it's easier to say to everyone no facial hair as opposed to ';your beard is not as even as his, shave yours!';

Just a guess, but it seems logical. :)
with no facial hair makes a person look more 'clean' i think thats silly though.. some facial hair on a guy can look really sexy
For clean looks and also to appear more open and honest.

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