If you guys are prescribing me any medicines make sure it soesnt have any possitive side effects.ThanxI am 16,i have very less facial hair.How can i get facial hair fast?
Facial hair does not make you a man; who you are on the inside is what makes you a man, however, if you want it to start gowing faster, start shaving. Even if you don't think you have anything to shave, shave anyway. This will not make you grow hair over night, but each time you shave off that peach fuzz the hair will begin to grow in a little thicker, darker and faster.I am 16,i have very less facial hair.How can i get facial hair fast?
Maybe your half man and half girl.
shave where you want it to grow and wala it will grown bak thicker if that doesnt work keep shavin over that area and eventually it will grow..
Not possible. Almost every young boy wants to see the day when they grow facial hair and for us the older guys, we wish we did not have any. I hate shaving every morning. You might hate it to in the future.
The more you shave the more your hair will grow. But it takes time. If it's any consolation, shaving is a pain!
it can't be done. sorry....u just got to live with it.
If your 16, relax!
You are probably still attractive, and at only 16 other girls could
care less about facial hair.
shave!!!!!!! ONce you start the hair will grow fast!!!
Just chill! It'll grow. Why do you want a lot of facial hair now??? I think clean shaven looks better than beards or mustaches.
Use a permanent marker.
CHILDREN !!! You can't live with them and you can't keep them in a closet...
Trust me in this..... You will (someday) be saying ';Its not fair I have to shave everyday and women don't.';
I hate shaving and I hate beard's. (on me at least)..
Count your lucky face follicles for now. It will change...
ur 16 ur not supposed to
i agree with th 1st person
Do you have hair growing on the palm of your hand?
Go to your doctor and see what's out there. But there's no rush, guys that get facial hair sooner also get balder sooner.
There's no way to make yourself grow more facial hair; it'll grow whenever it's ready to-- why would you want to anyway? then you just have to shave more often or look all grungy and gross...
Some people thank that if you eat certain meals or foods.
just relax.. u have all the time in the wrold to worry about facial hair...
but if u must look like a wolf... shave and it should speed up the process.. good luck
shave your pubes and glue it to your face,.. or maybe you dont have that either.
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