I want my facial hair to grow fast, how do some men grow their facial hair so fast? I'm 14 by the way.
Is there anything they use to make their facial hair grow?How to fasten growing of facial hair?
no theres nothing u can do and plus facial hair on a 14 year old would look awwwwwkward anyway, and believe me when i say this and dont let anyone change ur mind, SHAVING DOES NOT HELP FACIAL HAIR GROWTH. its a retarted myth that has overwhelmed the population so more people listen to the fake rumor without researching it i have and im 16 and ive tried it b4 trust me it doesent make it harder or anything, but anywhay dude u have a huge amount of time to get facial hair i was worried about mine growing in too but ive started to see some hard hairs on my chin and there coming in more and more,, but still u might get facial hair at 15 but most likley 16. or u might never get facial hair at all but im pretty sure u will, im just starting to as i said b4 and im super happy :D just wait pretty soon you will have a full spartan face bush. and youl love it or hate itHow to fasten growing of facial hair?
I hear that shaving stimulates hair growth.
shaving more will make them grow back faster and thicker
i dont think u can really
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