the question says it all
FACIAL NOT INCLUDING EARS!What facial piercing is less likely to get infected?
id say eyebrow cause a nose ring gets snot and stuff in it. a lipring gets saliva and junk u eat in it the same for a tounge ring....your eyebrows are least lickely to get infectedWhat facial piercing is less likely to get infected?
least likely to get infected:
any oral piercing (lip, tongue, cheek, monroe, medusa, etc) your mouth naturally produces enzymes that help keep the piercing clean.
easiest to hide:
really no piercing should get infected if you take care of it right.
No piercing will get infected if you take care of it right.
I have my ears, cartilage, nose, and belly button pierced
and none of them have ever gotten infected.
i would say ur eyebrow jus b/c you'll prob touch that the least compared to a nose ring or lip ring. and when you take the piercing out you cant see the hole b/c ur eyebrow is there. perfect cover up :]
hope i helped!
I'm not sure which is least likely but they say eyebrow is most likely to get rejected. Mine pushed itself all the way out!
no joke, i like hardly needed to clean it.
not because im dirty or gross, but there is really no need to,,
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